limiting beliefs…

What limiting beliefs are holding you back?

It took a ton of courage, determination and effort to come out.

You’ve declared yourself, or you’re seriously considering it…

Now what?

I’m not good enough

I’m too old

I’m not old enough

I don’t have time

I’m not creative enough…

I don’t know how to talk to people

No one is interested in me

I’m not pretty enough

I’m too fat

I’m too skinny

I don’t know how to be successful

I don’t know what I really want…

You don’t have to stay stuck… I promise!

Wanna connect? Let’s chat.

Thinking about y’all today…

You are valued…

You are loved…

You are ohh so precious…

And remember

Life’s too short | Be kind | Do good

Talk soon…

#lifecoach #pride2022 #blm #blacklivesmatter #community #faithfullylgbt #diversity #inclusion #lgbtqlifecoach #translifecoach #lgbtqsupporter #selfcare #findthepositive #mindset #LoveisLove #LifesTooShort #BeKind #DoGood #RadicalSelfacceptance #OneOfThem #SeeUs #transvisibility #ResponsibilityBreedsEmpowerment #PrideintheCLE